Elementary Kitchen

Last night, the Board of Education approved the bids on expanding the cafeteria and kitchen at New Buffalo Elementary.  

Site work will begin on October 9th.  You will notice construction fencing will be installed and  construction will commence in the front of the elementary school.  Parents, please be alert when dropping off and picking up your child from school.  Elementary Principal Mr. Megyesi will update as needed and provide specifics.  

We anticipate that students will have to be fed in the gymnasium beginning in the month of March until the end of the 23/24 school year.  This will impact our lunch menu and operations at the elementary school as we will feed our students in the gym.  

I have been telling staff members that we will have to adapt and overcome for a few months for a great outcome.  Please view the 3D renderings of what is to come!     

3D Tour of kitchen

3D Tour of Cafe

Adam Bowen 


New Buffalo Area Schools